Montana x Jaimie
“Montana” - CHIC #81259
BIS MBISS BISNOHS GCHG Spothaven Wake Up The Echoes ROM
(BIS CH Avalon Taylormade By Paisley x CH BarNone Spothaven Lil Ms Sunshine
“Jaimie” - CHIC #131592
CH O'Brogan Promises Be
(CH Fiacre's Full Court Press x CH Rambler O'Brogan Advent
The Girl!
We are proud of these kids! Pictured at 10 weeks.

FIVE puppies whelped August 7, 2019
Four Boys (2 Liver); One Girl (Liver)
0 patches; 0 blue eyes
4 BAER Bilateral Hearing Puppies;
1 Unilateral Hearing Puppy

Belgrade - “Belle”
Girl (Liver Spotted)

The Boys!
Boy (Liver Spotted)

Plentywood - “Woody”
Boy (Liver Spotted)

Boy (Black Spotted)

Bozeman - “Bo”
Boy (Black Spotted)